Best web browsers for Android

1. Mozilla’s Fire fox

Firefox browser
Mozilla's Firefox browser

Fire fox is a free web browser for Android. Firefox browser is fast, easy to use, customizable and it contains latest security features to let the user safe. The browsing speed is superfast so that the user will have better browsing experience. The user can keep his/her favourite sites on the top of the home. It has an awesome screen and the browser is automatically organized you don’t have to do it.

2. Google Chrome 

With Google Chrome you can browse faster on your android phone or tablet. It allows the user to search by voice. 50% of data is saved while browsing. There is an awesome feature through which you can translate and read any webpage in any language. You can open unlimited tabs and by swiping from side to side you can flip through them.

3. Maxthon browser

Maxthon is one of the most popular browser worldwide available for both Android phones and Tablets. It is one of the world’s fastest browsers it’s secured, easy to use and the speed of downloading and uploading is very fast. You can keep your favourite sites on the speed dial. It has a feature which lets the user to download and upload all kind of files in the cloud space to download it later. Another feature is sharing which lets you share the contents of your mobile through Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, SMS etc. in an easy way. 

4. Opera browser

Opera browser is designed for latest Android Phones and Tablets. The interface of Opera looks great, the browsing speed is superfast and it has a number of unique features. It helps you in staying online even in slow connection. With the help of Discover feature you can read latest news in browser’s “world’s leading magazines and newspapers” option. You can keep your favourite sites always on the top. You can download it from Google play.

5. Dolphin browser

Like the Opera browser, dolphin browser is also one of the oldest and widely used browsers. Similar to Opera Dolphin browser has a bookmark-style speed- dial. It has a search by voice feature and a dolphin reader which is similar to Fire fox’s reading mode. One last thing whenever you exit Dolphin browser it displays options like clear cache and clear history you can marking or unmarking them, the user can configure it so it doesn’t happen again .

Top 5 Programming Languages in 2014

1. Java

java programming
Java Programming
Java is a class based and object oriented programming language. It is developed by sun micro system in 1990s. Java programming language is one of the most in-demand language. It is used for making games, mobile apps and it is also used in Android OS. Java is a little bit similar to C and C++ because most of its syntax is derived from C and C++. Java is designed to work on multiple software platforms.

2. C++

C++ Programming
C++ Programming
C++ is an object oriented programming language. It is mostly used in the world of software industries. It is used to make system software, Application software, device drivers, embed software, high performance server and client software, entertainment software like games etc.

3. C

C Programming
C Programming
C is most commonly used programming language. It is used for making applications and operating system. The first operating system written in C was UNIX Operating System. After that Operating systems like Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux were write in C programming language. The syntax (grammar) of many programming languages are similar to C. And programming languages like Pearl, PHP and Python are also written in C.

4. Objective C

Objective C Programming
Objective C Programming
Objective C is an object oriented programming language. It was developed in early .It is mainly used in making apps for apple like Mac OS and IOS (IPhone operating system).

5. PHP

PHP Programming
PHP Programming
PHP stands for (Hypertext Processor) It is a server-side scripting language designed for web development. PHP can be mixed with HTMl code.
PHP code is executed with help of a PHP interpreter.

2 New Features of Google Search on Android Phones and Desktops

Google search app’s new feature for music lovers

google search app for android
New Google Search App for Android
Google for android has launched a new feature to its Google search app. When the user searches for any artist or band on their android smartphone, it gives a link to play the artists music from one of the users installed app, along with the appearance of other information about it.
For now this feature is only available for android devices in us and works with Google play music, iHeart radio, Spotify, Tunnel Radio and YouTube apps.
I hope in the future this feature will be available in worldwide android phones

Google search hangouts voice calling feature for desktops

google search voice calling desktop hangouts blog screenshot
Google search voice calling desktop hangouts
Google had launched an all new feature for desktops helpful in business, it allows the user to make hangouts voice calls. The phone number of a company or organization etc. will appear in the results.


When the accurate results of establishment appear in the results the users simply have to click on the number and hangout will automatically call that number.


As with other hangouts voice calls users are able to make free calls only in US and Canada. If they are making calls to other countries they have to pay some charges.

From where can you download latest apps for your Symbian phone in 2014?

Symbian OS
Symbian OS

As you all know that Nokia store had stopped adding latest apps and updates of existing applications from January 2014, onwards. You would be wondering that, is there any other app store from where you can download latest 2014 apps? Well there is an app store from where you can download latest Symbian apps and games and that is Applist – a Symbian app store.


Applist Homepage
Applist Homepage

Applist Appstore App for Symbian
Applist Appstore App for Symbian
Applist keeps adding latest Symbian apps and games into its applist app and website: You can download applist app from its website. The interface of its website looks very clear and simple on desktop. The interface and design of the applist app is similar to that of original Nokia store.

Pros and Cons


Applist is self-updating; it means that it checks for update of applist app’s latest version and offers to download it when it is launched.
It also checks for updates of apps already installed on your phone.


There are 80 or more apps on applist because it is recently launched app store for Symbian and I hope that the number of apps would cross 500 in few months and may be above 1000 by the end of 2014.


However, the figure 500 is very less as compared to the iPhone app store and android app store.
But as we are Symbian users, we have to be satisfied with applist if you can afford; I will recommend you to migrate to Android, IPhone and Windows OS.

related post : Some cool new apps for symbian in 2014