Top 5 Programming Languages in 2014

1. Java

java programming
Java Programming
Java is a class based and object oriented programming language. It is developed by sun micro system in 1990s. Java programming language is one of the most in-demand language. It is used for making games, mobile apps and it is also used in Android OS. Java is a little bit similar to C and C++ because most of its syntax is derived from C and C++. Java is designed to work on multiple software platforms.

2. C++

C++ Programming
C++ Programming
C++ is an object oriented programming language. It is mostly used in the world of software industries. It is used to make system software, Application software, device drivers, embed software, high performance server and client software, entertainment software like games etc.

3. C

C Programming
C Programming
C is most commonly used programming language. It is used for making applications and operating system. The first operating system written in C was UNIX Operating System. After that Operating systems like Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux were write in C programming language. The syntax (grammar) of many programming languages are similar to C. And programming languages like Pearl, PHP and Python are also written in C.

4. Objective C

Objective C Programming
Objective C Programming
Objective C is an object oriented programming language. It was developed in early .It is mainly used in making apps for apple like Mac OS and IOS (IPhone operating system).

5. PHP

PHP Programming
PHP Programming
PHP stands for (Hypertext Processor) It is a server-side scripting language designed for web development. PHP can be mixed with HTMl code.
PHP code is executed with help of a PHP interpreter.


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Java is high level programming language .Due to its stability and scalability, you can find Java on mobiles, desktops, large scale applications etc. Java is also gaining big in the field of Internet of Things (IoT).
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Java is high level programming language .Due to its stability and scalability, you can find Java on mobiles, desktops, large scale applications etc. Java is also gaining big in the field of Internet of Things (IoT).
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